Sunday, April 28, 2019

View of the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

View of the ball - Essay Exampleminates new transformed understanding of peoples overcoming of human nature and comely overmans, people who name new visionary capacities and perspectives concerning the humans.The first stage of the world view is Platos philosophy. Plato claims that the reliable world is attainable present and now, but only for virtuous men. There is only one world. Supersensuous world is the true one and true things emerge in the world of ideas as far as in that location is a division between pure essence and appearance. This true world is attainable for clement soul only. Temperance is the virtue of soul, so it must deny the sensuous things and desire supersensuous. If you have a temperate soul and desire to acquire the truth, you will see the true being of subjects and notice a non-sensuous world. If you have a wanton soul and desire bodily pleasure only, you will only see the here world and will only be present in the app arent world. Nietzsche claims th at philosophy begins with the discipline of temperate soul to look. According to the textual matter The implication is that virtue consists in repudiation of the sensuous, since denial of the world that is appressed to us, the sensuous world, is proper to the Being of beings. Here the true world is not yet anything Platonic, that is, not something unattainable, simply desirable, and merely ideal. Plato himself is who he is by virtue of the fact that he unquestioningly and straightforwardly functions on the tail of the world of Ideas as the essence of Being. The supersensuous is the idea. The ideas do not comprise in this world according to Plato they exist without color and shape. Thus, Plato is not nihilist. Second view on the world is not Platos, it is Platonism. It is also a Christian view. The relationship between true world and apparent world are broken. Essence and existence are separated into two different worlds. The true world is not attainable in this world. According to the text The

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