Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Employment loyalty at Rhythm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Employment loyalty at Rhythm - Essay Example Thus, the discussion below focuses on the more important results from statistical analysis of the survey data. The response rate to the survey consisted 37 percent in the 31-40 age-group, 30 percent in the 21–30 age group, 27 percent within the 41–50 age-group and seven percent in the over 50 age-group. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the respondents’ country cultural constraints, all the respondents were males. A vast majority of the cohorts, 67 percent, were married with children and 27 percent were single, but seven percent of the respondents did not present a response to the question about their marital status. Seven percent had a postgraduate master’s degree as attributed to increased proportion of postgraduate level education in Saudi Arabia. A very significant proportion of the respondents included in the survey did not answer the questions about their area of expertise, job title and department worked at in Rhythm, and this was probably because of a fear of recognition in a company, which is not a firm with a very large number of employees. Only twenty percent of the respondents were willing to share information about their total work experience and number of years at Rhythm as illustrated in Figure 4.1.5 and Figure 4.1.6. The longest serving employee at Rhythm had served for 15 years with the company after having joined Rhythm with only one year of experience. However, because a vast majority of respondents did not answer the previously mentioned questions, it will be difficult to draw valid conclusions about stability of employment offered by Rhythm. Forty eight percent of Rhythm employees were deeply involved with their company and considered their organisation’s problems as their own, as illustrated in the figure below. This is a healthy ratio and the previously mentioned figure suggests a high degree of employee involvement in Rhythm. Only 26 percent of the respondents indicated that they did not have a

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